Shipping API Integrations

Shipping APIs

To offer your customers a seamless and transparent shipping experience, Old Dominion offers a specialized set of freight APIs that can strengthen and augment your service offerings. Whatever the size of your organization—whatever technology platforms or languages—our team works with you to develop a complete transportation management process. Our solutions integrate with your systems to help manage shipments efficiently and effectively. Access account information in real time—and on any device. For more information, download our Shipping API Integrations brochure.

API Status: All Systems Operational

API Status: Some systems are experiencing issues

REST Services

API NameVersionLast UpdateDescriptionDownload
Electronic Bill of Lading 3.1( Compliant with NMFTA v2.0.1)11/22/24The Bill of Lading API allows the submission of electronic bills of lading. This data feeds into the ODFL billing system and allows the data to be used to generate shipping label or bill of lading documents. Users can receive a PRO number or provide one that they already possess. The API also allows the user to modify the eBOL data after it has been submitted.Guide
3.0 The Pickup API allows the submission of an electronic pickup request. The request can include multiple shipments being picked up from the same location at the same time. A pickup number will be returned to identify the pickup request and pre-pro IDs (PPIDs) will be provided for each shipment. These numbers can be used to cancel, modify, or query the pickup request information.Guide
Tracking2.0 The Tracking API is a REST service which provides shipment status and can be used to integrate freight movement data into your systems. It provides data for a single shipment.Guide

SOAP Services

API NameVersionLast UpdateDescriptionDownload
Book Household Move  The Book Household Move API is a SOAP service which provides the ability to schedule home moving services. 



Document  The Document Retrieval API allows a user to request pdf documents, such as bills of lading or delivery receipts, for specific pro numbers.



Rate Estimate 6.0 The Rate Estimate API is a SOAP service which provides an estimate and breakdown of applicable rates for a shipment and can be used to integrate pricing data into your systems.



Expedited Transit Time  The Expedited Transit Time API is a SOAP service which provides shipment transit times between points in the U.S. and Canada.
