OD Truck Driving Championship Finalists in Indiana

OD to Send 17 Drivers to National Truck Driving Championships in Indianapolis

Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc. is set to send 17 drivers to next month’s National Truck Driving Championship (NTDC), hosted by the American Trucking Associations. The annual competition is an extraordinary display of truck driving professionalism and safety where drivers compete through a series of tests and obstacles.

Each contestant qualified for the NTDC by winning his/her individual state championship title earlier this year. OD had 250 drivers compete across 39 state-level competitions, yielding 64 podium finishers and 17 first-place finishers. OD also had Grand Champions in Michigan, Tennessee, and Utah.

“We’re very proud of all of the Truck Driving Championship contestants and their commitment to safety,” said Wes Herek, senior safety manager for OD and NTDC committee member. “Each driver spends hours practicing and preparing for these competitions, which ultimately makes them safer truck drivers.”

The Championships are a great incentive for professional truck drivers to operate safely because they must be accident-free for at least one year prior to the competition. Many of the competitors have millions of accident-free driving miles to their credit.

The NTDC will begin August 16th and will run through August 19th at the Indianapolis Convention Center. 

2022 State Truck Driving Championship Results

StateDriverResultClassService Center
ArizonaAlejandro Mancilla 2nd4-AxlePHX
ArkansasJose Ara2ndTwinsTXK
ColoradoMatthew Browning2ndTwinsGJN
ColoradoSergio Martinez2ndTankerDEN
ColoradoErik Calhoun3rd / Rookie of the Year3-AxleGJN
ColoradoAaron Kathrein3rdTwinsGJN
FloridaDexter Brooks3rd5-AxleORL
GeorgiaCurt Shaw3rd3-AxleATW
IdahoBill Nolan 1stStraightBOI
IdahoMark VanBlaricom1stTwinsBOI
IdahoCory Weber1stFlatbedBOI
IdahoTony Rhoades1st / Rookie of the Year5-AxleIDF
IdahoKJ Winn2nd3-AxleTWF
IdahoBeau Bonds2ndTwinsBOI
IndianaMike Rummel1st3-AxleEVV
IndianaDawn Cochran1st5-AxleBBI
IndianaGlen Kirk1stFlatbedIND
IndianaDave Critchfield2ndTankerBBI
KansasDaniel Jones3rdFlatbedTOP
KansasKevin Brownewell3rd4-AxlePAR
KentuckyRyan Keller2nd3-AxleLEX
KentuckyEarnest Wagers2nd4-AxleLEX
Michigan Chad Williams 1st / Grand Champion / Pre-Trip AwardTwinsSAG
Michigan Gordon Strope3rd3-AxleKLM
MinnesotaBen Kurzhal 1stTwinsMSP
MinnesotaJesse Thompson 3rd4-AxleMSP
MissouriVito Marciante2nd3-AxleSTL
MontanaBrian LeFors2nd3-AxleSID
NebraskaMike Luna2ndSleeperOMA
NebraskaChris Corbett3rd3-AxleOMA
NevadaIvan Padilla2nd3-AxleRNO
North CarolinaHarold Snyder2ndTwinsKNC
North CarolinaTim Whitely3rd4-AxleWSN
North DakotaDrew Bartelson1stTwinsFAR
North DakotaFrank McDowell2ndTankerFAR
North DakotaMatt Albert3rdFlatbedFAR
OhioMatt Dobbs2ndSleeperCOH
OhioJerry Cousino3rdTwinsCOH
OregonJimmy Placxo3rd / Pre-Trip Award4-AxlePDX
OregonAdam Mueller3rdTwinsBND
OregonMichael Sanders3rdTankerCVE
PennsylvaniaBrandon Mahan3rdStraightHAR
South CarolinaKenneth Smith1st4-AxleGVL
South CarolinaBlake Taylor2ndTwinsGVL
South DakotaJere Rions2ndFlatbedSXF
South DakotaRick Witczek2ndTwinsSXF
South DakotaDan Norgaard2ndSleeperWSD
South DakotaAlex Curry3rd4-AxleSXF
TennesseeDarrell Gribble1st / Grand ChampionStraightKXT
TennesseeBrian Turner1st3-AxleMRT
TennesseeMike Hixson3rd4-AxleMRT
TexasFrank Ortiz2ndFlatbedSNA
UtahSean McClure1st / Grand ChampionTankerSLC
UtahScott Johnson1stFlatbedSLC
UtahJoseph Ebert2ndTwinsSLC
UtahRobin Villamor 2nd4-AxleSLC
WashingtonJosh Friedges1stTwinsPAS
WashingtonSam Kidd3rdStraightSEA
WashingtonGus Contreras3rd3-AxlePAS
WisconsinNeal Nemitz2ndFlatbedTMW
WisconsinKenny Valet3rd4-AxleMAW
WisconsinGary Pingel3rdTankerWAU
WisconsinNick Jarntowski3rdStraightWAU
WyomingRandy Ferfuson1st4-AxleCPW

About Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc.

Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc. is a leading, less-than-truckload (“LTL”), union-free motor carrier providing regional, inter-regional and national LTL services through a single integrated organization. Our service offerings, which include expedited transportation, are provided through an expansive network of service centers located throughout the continental United States. Through strategic alliances, the Company also provides LTL services throughout North America. In addition to its core LTL services, the Company offers a range of value-added services including container drayage, truckload brokerage and supply chain consulting.

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